
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2016

multinational company in the field of gases  Currently hiring for Sales manager وظائف خالية بشركة متعددة الجنسيات بالبترول بمرتبات مش هتصدق

multinational company in the field of gases  Currently hiring for Sales manager with the below requirements experience: min 10 years in medical sales field  medical regulations,  framework  tendering and HC market infrastructures -Background: Biology flunt in   English language kindly forward CV to "nada.abuzeid@informiaeg.com" with the job title in the subject line show less   Apply Now

كبرى الشركات بمصر تطلب موظفين بمرتبات تبدأ ب 2500 جنية

2 Operation officers males or females needed lockated in : Dokki , Zamalek working hour 9 hours from 8.30 to 5.30 Experience min 0 max 2 the interview with th CS face to face  Excellent in English and computer skills  the salary 2500 EGP contact us at saleh.elmalatawy.ecfc@gmail.com plz Mention the Operation Officer ih the subject Apply Now

وظائف خالية بواحدة من اكبر الشركاتmultinational company فى مصر بمرتبات مجزية

EL Nahar for medical solutions is hiring for HR senior supervisor Experience min 3 years max 5 years in HR field  Excellent in english  excellent in computer skills excellent in communication skills skills  conflict resolution analytical customer focus ability to work under pressure  must be planning and organization  people management can solve the problem and decision making skills  have HR Diploma or Certificate is apluse  contact us  sent your CV at HR@elnahar-hearing.com Apply Now

كبرى الشركات بالسعودية تطلب موظفين وتعلن عو وظائف خالية بمرتبات خيالية

Required for a company in Riyadh following disciplines: secretary Accountant Geological Sales Representative Chif accountant Security and safety technician Cars experienced mechanics engineer in trucks and heavy equipment General Conditions: 2-5 years of experience in all functions Age of 25-30 years of English language proficiency For those interested, please send your CV to the following email fatma@rawajeg.com Apply Now

وظائف خالية فى multinational company وظائف بمصر وظائف دول الخليج مرتبات تصل الى 8000 جنية

large company located in heliopolis hiring for senior and junior sales mechanical engineers more than 3 year experience  flunt in english write and spoken  excellant in computer  BSc of mechanical power engineering salary min 6000 max 8000 for junior  Features car for seles engineer mobile and business line yearly benefits medical and life insurace working hours 8.30 hours from 9 : 5.30 send your CV at : asmaa.recruitment@gmail.com Apply Now

شركة Cargill العالمية تطلب موظفين بمرتبات كبيرة جدا بجميع انحاء العالم

Cargill hiring for account receivable Accountant the jop description  customer's collections and recording data base. issuing the invoices  implementation for the new accountiing system JDEDwards skill very strong knowledge for accounting very good communication skills  big ability to work under pressure for long hours studed Bachelor degree in finance and accounting Experience  min 1 year  Apply Now

Huawei Technologies in cairo كبري شركات الاتطالات في مصر تطلب عدد كبيرمن الموظفين بمرتبات مجزية جدا حد ادنى10000 جنية

Huawei Technologies in cairo one of the most big technologies company in the world  hiring for Audit Manager job Descripion   The Auditor posts will report to an Internal Audit Manager either  in a Region and a HQ Section, will be supervise on audits by an Audit Team Leader. Any  duties assigned by the Internal Audit Manager and Audit Team Leader that  is within the scope and spirit of the job and the title of the post and it's grading.  the Skill Experience more than 5 years in audit from multinational company management skills areas knowledge : General accounting, finance and administration and Auditing profesional Accounting and qualification auditing flunt in english written and spoken  degree : accounting  finance or business & administration. apply now

A large Telecommunication واحدة من كبرى شركات الاتصالات في العالم تطلب موظفين لوظائف شاغرة بمرتبات تبدأ من 6000 جنية وامتيازات اخرى كثيرة

A large Telecommunication service provider located in 6th of October Currently hire for sales Reprrsentative senior sales with the below requirements  The experience min 2 years max 5 years Excellent command of English  Experience in any of this fields : Banking-Oil&Gas-Pharmacutical and any commercial enterprise  Salary min 4000 EGP max 6000 EGP and can be adjusted based on the meeting and the years of experience if you interested yhe candidates kindly forward your CV to nada.abuzeid@informiaeg.com plz write SRT in the MAil subject line 

B.TECH بى تك تطلب عدد من الموظفين بجميع محافظات مصر محاسبين ومبيعات فروع ووظائف اخرى بمرتبات خيالية

B.TECH Needed for Branch Accountant sales Representatives Electric Engineer IT Supervisor Marketing merchandising Warehouse Supervisor Administration Supervisor if u interested contact as at : hr@b-tech.com.eg

National Bank Of Kiwat Egypt بنك الكويت الوطنى بمصر يطلب عدد كبير من الموظافين والمديرين بمرتبات محترمة جدا جدا جدا وبمميزات اخرى

National Bank Of Kiwat Egypt is looking to hire the following Positions  Bank branch maneger in greater Cairo Relationship Manager Wealth Management Relation Ship Officer  Wealth Management Customer Service officer-retail banking if you interested send your CV at   press here

One of the Big multinational industrial organization مطلوب لشركة من كبرى الشركات متعددة الجنسيات مهندسين ذكور واناث بمرتبات حد ادنى 5000 جنية مصرى ولا يشترط الخبره

One of the Big multinational industrial organization  HR is hiring maintenance Engineer with very attractive package  BSc in electrical engineering  Experience min 3 max 5 skill  fluent English  Salary  min 4000 max 5000 gross salary  benefits: car with fuel allowance, annual bounace. if u interested send your CV in Word format to Mohanad@jhr.com.eg with mention job title in the subject  contact us in the future at 01002195305.

مطلوب مهندسات بمرتبات خيالية جميع التخصصات وغير مشترط الخبره حد ادنى 5000 جنية مصرى

Female Engineers Required  We Needed Specialized Contracting and Engineering company looking for engineers (females preferred) need Technical office  construction sites  quality control business development we need the following  - civil - electrical - mechanical - mechatronics the required candidates like to work in dynamic career contact us 01062318000 www.wazaaaf.com

كبر الشركات في مصر تطلب عدد محدود من الموظفين بمرتبات مجزية جدا حد ادنى 3500 جنية

the arab Metals company needed an Accountant WWW.WAZAAAF.COM Description documents financial transactions by entry account inf. substantiates financial transactions by auditing douc. prepares asset liability and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing inf. recommends financial acyion by analyzing accounting option . Summarizes current financial status by collecting inf. Preparing balance sheet. preparing profit and loss statmentand other reportes. guides accounting clercal staff by coordinating activities and answering questions. secures financial inf by completing data basenackup. reconciles financial discrepancies by collecting and analyzing account inf. maintains accounting by preparing and recommending policies and procedures. Skills  MS Office Salary with interview Company idudtry : manufacturing and Producatun Job role : accounting, banking, finance  Degree :Bachelor's degree Experience : minimume 0 ma...